Breathing is a powerful, accessible tool to calm your stress reduce your pain and manage your emotions. By following the exercises in this book, you’ll learn how to harness your breath to take back control of your body and mind.Let’s get started.It’s time to get your breath back.Since tragic loss brought him to breathwork, Stuart Sandeman has helped thousands of people transform their lives, simply by changing the way they breathe.In Breathe In, Breathe Out, Stuart takes you on a journey to discover a hidden power within you that can change the way you think and feel. His accessible exercises, grounded in research and developed over years of practice, will help you to:Sleep soundly and manage stress and pain.Identify and let go of the beliefs that are holding you back.Develop better focus and boost your performance in any field.Deepen the connection with yourself, others and the world around you.You can become stronger, healthier and happier than you’ve ever imagined.All you have to do is Breathe In, Breathe Out.
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